Does God Make Sense?
I don't believe God is supposed to make sense. This world we live in is an upside-down world. Logic is nothing. Things don't work out the way they seem. Putting faith in God requires you to step forward without looking and it's not easy because the world teaches otherwise.
It's like God and the Bible. The world says "let's see what we can make of this, let's see how it all works into what we think happens, and into the little facts we have" God says "The bible is like a maze of many dimensions, you can't ever comprehend it all, but don't worry because i've already shown you the source, the centre of the maze, the finish line. It's me."
In proverbs we're taught that to give our time, money and energy means we will recieve more than if we didn't. We're taught that to gain the whole world means nothing if we neglect the spiritual side of our lives. Having it all doesn't bring happiness.
We have to live a spirtually full life in order to have peace and prosperity here.
Peace solves disputes better than war.
The serman on the mount talks about “Blessed are those who are poor – in possessions and in spirit. Blessed are those who have suffered loss and are in mourning. Blessed are the meek, and those who are hungry and thirsty – for sustenance and for justice; for righteousness. Blessed are the innocent, and those with purity of heart. Blessed are those who seek and work for peace: shalom, wholeness, health, fullness of life for all.”
But hang on, the world says "blessed are the rich, the well off, the strong, the popular. Blessed are the good-looking - they get all the girls. Blessed are the powerful."
And most christians would certainlky argue that it is better to be strong in spirit than weak. yet, "blessed are those who are spirit"
Paul was hated by townspeople because he "turned the world upside-down" (acts 17 i think)
This world we live in is not as it seems. Have you ever been in a situation when people tell you the most logical thing to do and yet God tells you something else? I have, and you know what? His way turns out better. Why? Because God didn't intend us to understand the world, He intended us to have faith in Him. If everything made sense then what good would faith be?