found this site on the net. I totally agree with what this guy is saying. I've actually researched a little of the information on some of the dating methods and he is totally right in their unreliability.
Also see The Answers Book by Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland, and Refuting Evolution by Joanathan Sarfati and Ken Ham which both have a lot of very detailed points on the subject. The site is a bit shallow in it's depth but it makes the main points and is nicely set out.
Also see The Answers Book by Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati and Carl Wieland, and Refuting Evolution by Joanathan Sarfati and Ken Ham which both have a lot of very detailed points on the subject. The site is a bit shallow in it's depth but it makes the main points and is nicely set out.
interesting read dude.
it's funny, i used to be a hard out creationsist until i did a lot of research into evolution, and now i'm not sure what i believe. the more i studied evolution the more plausible it became, but i never got to the point of saying 'it is correct'
i'm not so sure about how i feel about 7 literal days creation though. it would take a large space to go into detail, but the bible is an account of god's work with his people, and not really anything else, the creation account is written like poetry. if you look at the 6 days of creation (the 7 days never finishes.....) and arrange them
1 : 4
2 : 5
3 : 6
they match up like that, it's very interesting, anyway to me it shows that God created the earth, but the way it's written down isn't literally how it happened, but that's just my opinion and yeah.
also i think i believe in the big bang too, having read "a brief history of the universe" i think it's correct. either way it's interesting topic..
im glad you're thinking about things and doing your own research and not just taking what other people say as truth, because THAT is dangerous
check out my theological blog mandygetsserious.blogspot.com and leave some comments i'd be very interested to see what you have to say about what i've written....
Excellent, Andy. Excellent.
If I were your father, I could not be more proud of you.
God's Word is just good old common sense: The world and life's just too complex to have happened by random chance. There can be evolution (the adaptation of an organism to its environment) within a species, but not between them.
We are not animals, or accidents, but chosen gems, precious in His sight, and created for the purpose of the best work He foresaw and planned for us to do!
I always find the whole creationist/evolution thing of interest, not so much for who's wrong/right, but more who's "rightist."
I tend to agree with much of what God wrote in his other book, The Book of Nature. The Book of Scripture gives us more of a who and why, the Book of Nature gives us a more of a how.
I would probably guess that the earth is a little older than the "6 day creationists" guess it to be, I would like to think God has been at work for however many Billion years shaping and creating and enjoying. Lovingly and creativly moulding humanity into what we are now. How this happened? Whell the Bible says God formed us from the dust. The big question then, is not so much a faith thing, but a hermeneutical one. i.e. how do we read that part...
Love your thoughts on this one...
Good points, big jas.
Couldn't have said it better.
I think the Bible and science (or nature, if you prefer) are alike in that, with either one, we're still only scratching the surface of The Great Mystery:
"Henry could explain the Ford, the Ford could never explain Henry!"
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