Body before Blood
I have often wondered why Jesus broke the bread before He raised His glass of wine. As I sat in church for communion the question came to me again. Why did Jesus break bread first? Surely the bread represents His body and wine His blood. So if that is so, why do we gain His life before being washed clean of the old one? The answer is so obvious. When we enter into a relationship with Jesus we ask Him to full us, for Him to be a part of us and grow in us, and as He does, that we grow in Him and be a part of His body. But we do not have to be cleansed to ask Jesus to be our Saviour. Why? Because we can't possibly cleanse ourselves. We need His help to do that. So only by Eating the bread that fills the emptiness inside do we grow in spirit and allow Jesus' blood to flow through us and purge the darkness inside. I don't know why i didn't see it before. Now it makes perfect sense why He tore the bread first.
That's the best detail of understanding I've gotten from any Believer on the Web - let alone the Blogosphere - on the subject of what the communion represents...But wait, there's MORE:
The broken body fully pays for and makes available to the Believer physical healing and wholeness, according to his/her believing. God's Word says "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities. Surely he hathborn our sorrows and by his stripes we were (past tense) healed." The shed blood washed away our sins, healed us spiritually, and fully represents the New Life and Birth. The broken body made us physically whole.
hi rayd, I don't want to make a big deal here, but you make a comment concerning filling a hole, and I'd like to hit you up about that.
Now, this was pointed out to me, and it's a valid point. to say that we are empty and have a god shaped hole inside us is a nice statement but scripture doesn't back it up, in fact, scripture points out: "they are filled with all unrighteousness" (Romans 1:29). "The hearts of the sons of men are full of evil" (Ecclesiastes 9:3), and they have an evil spirit working in them (Ephesians 2:2) which contradicts that we are empty and need God to fill us up (I'm not claiming we don't need God but to use that analogy is theologically incorrect)
don't get me wrong, I don't think you are necessarily incorrect or are wrong, but often imagery like that is often heard in church but when you think about it, it never came from scripture, it just 'made sense' but that unfortunately doesn't make it right... but I am glad you are so concerned about the scripture to contemplate it!
but do you, as a Christian, still feel that emptiness?
Sometimes i admit i feel an emptiness, a longing, something to get rid of the lonilness that i sometimes feel that comes with being single. But like Amy said on her blog a while ago, people do feel that. It occassionally comes into your mind. But other than that i don't feel any emptiness.
oh i know what you mean, i don't doubt the feeling, im just saying that it is contradictory to scripture, and in our day and age with all the spiritual crap that flys around, we don't need more people saying what sounds right or what their heart says, the true gospel is often so clouded with *nice* things and things to make it more *interesting* or *exciting* that we really should confirm scripture wherever we can and not be ambigious about it
do you see my point? and don't take me wrong, i think it's great you're thinking about these things!
yea i see what you're saying. What we feel is not neccesarily what we are told it is. The feeling is cetrainly there but just because i feel it doesn't mean i know what 'it' is. I can agree with that.
Because the unregenerate man is only body and soul, there is a "vacuum" so-to-speak where holy spirit is supposed to be, and if he does not get born again of God (Romans 10:9, Acts 2:38, 39), the adversary WILL fill that vacuum with what those Scripture references in Andrew Brown's comments describe.
A born again believer is body, soul and spirit (holy spirit), despite what feelings may come or go. Ye are complete in Him.
nice calvinist theology :D im stoked
You guys deserve to be built up and stoked...Just keep the fire burning with fresh stalks of truth from God's Word.
Everything else you see and hear in life is meant to keep you away from it, to make you forget who and what you are as God's sons.
There WILL be tests and challenges ahead. The Adversary will hit you hard wherever you are weak. YOU find your weaknesses first, and turn them to strength with the truth!
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