Dance, dance, dance in the freedom we know
We’re gonna dance, dance, dance
In the freedom we know
Because the freedom we know
Is gonna last forever
Mighty To Save, Hillsong Music Australia
Why do Churches in New Zealand not dance and sing for joy when we worship God? Should we not dance for the joy of our Salvation?
It's true, in countries in Africa, like Nigeria, it is part of the culture to dance. It's not in New Zealand... or other first world countries.
So does being developed mean we lose the joy of our Salvation?
Does the church follow society or society follow the church?
Can we not worship the King of all Kings, the Lord over all cultures in any way acceptable to Him?
In the freedom we know
Because the freedom we know
Is gonna last forever
Mighty To Save, Hillsong Music Australia
Why do Churches in New Zealand not dance and sing for joy when we worship God? Should we not dance for the joy of our Salvation?
It's true, in countries in Africa, like Nigeria, it is part of the culture to dance. It's not in New Zealand... or other first world countries.
So does being developed mean we lose the joy of our Salvation?
Does the church follow society or society follow the church?
Can we not worship the King of all Kings, the Lord over all cultures in any way acceptable to Him?
Actually, all that "first world" or "developed" means, is a productive host for willfully unproductive parasites to feed off of.
As to worship, this is an old testament concept. In the Church Epistles (i.e: The Word of God to THIS administration) speaking in tongues is called "perfect praise". That is why the First Century Church did it. The modern church is largely recycled Vaticanism (three gods, life-after-death, salvation-by-works) and doesn't because denominational religion (man-made forms of worship) is fear-based and ego-driven, preferring to live under the law than under "the perfect law of LIBERTY".
Also, different people use music in different ways. My church, the time of music is a time more of praising God by speaking his truth, and by making sure everyone is being aware of the words they say and sing. Also, the early church used music as education to repeat bible truths. Another perfectly good way to use music.
Also, worshiping God is what we do with out lives every minute of our day, not a special time we set aside during church. I wonder where that concept came from, not the bible, for sure..
I think that in a mainstream church like Opawa baptist and even in that stream it almost accepted that we 'do' religion with the stoic, stiff-upper lip sort of thing, the dancing (however stereotypical) seems to belong to Pentecostal/Charismatic type denomination.
Oh my gosh it's Rayd! Hey Rayd, it's Ray, you know, the one you met when Canterbury came down to help Otago with clean team? You know what you should do? Check out my Xanga and if you look on the left side there's a list of everyone I know who has a Xanga too, including Heide and Layling whoop whoop! Check it out!
"Actually, all that "first world" or "developed" means, is a productive host for willfully unproductive parasites to feed off of."
It's time to throw some pies in here!
Zechariah's account of the four chariots deserves some thought. In chapter 6 we are introduced to the horses that we will later hear of again in Revelation. The black and white horses reign over the north and western culutre while the grizzled and bay horse presides over the south. Here's where it get's interesting... Zechariah tells us that the black and white horses can and do supress the spirit of the Lord!
Black is the official colour of capitalism while white is the colour of Catholicism.
Ergo, Africa, which is under the reign of the grizzled and bay horse representing death, suffers a high poverty and mortality rate while simulnaneously receiving a revival of the Holy Spirit I don't think we can fathom until we have been there, and done that.
Why this is the case? I do not know. Perhaps it's God's priorities showing through. I can understand that. We lead pretty cofmortable, cruisy lives in the west while Africa suffers from pandemics on a catastrophich scale most of us can only barely imagine.
Perhaps it is a case of necessity first, I can't answer for God on that one, but I do think it's interesting theory that goes some way in explaining why the most awesome revivals the church has seen tend to occur in the developing world.
And no, they are not parasites, galt-in-da-box. Don't be so bigoted. ~_^
Yeah piemaster, it's all God's fault the child-molesting sodomites in Africa are coming down w/ AIDS...God and of course "the great Satan": America.
No causality involved whatever *ahem*.
The emotionalism-based assertion that people should be handed anything they want because they claim to need it is a Papist prescribed formula for societal suicide - despite the clever handoff through the UN.
Salvation is by God's grace, everything else in life comes by merit and even salvation was not free; it cost God His son. A "gift" is NOT a "right", it's by the grace of the Giver. Just because you didn't pay for it doesn't make it "free"...
Too many today lack the essential quality of appreciation to understand that!
galt. Did I say that it was God's fault? Did I say that this was God's doing? Not I did not. I gave Zechariah's account of the four horsemen because I beleive that was God explaining why this is the way things are.
Did I mention America even once, let alone call it the "Great Satan?" You're tripping on a slippery slope here dude, quit while you're, you're... behind. o_O;
"The emotionalism-based assertion that people should be handed anything they want because they claim to need it is a Papist prescribed formula for societal suicide - despite the clever handoff through the UN."
Are you sure that Jesus would not help those in need? Did Jesus say to the man who got lowered through the roof "begone you child-raping sodomite?" NO! He helped those in need and instructed us to do the same... I'm confused, is the whole go forth, spread the good news, heal the sick thingy all some papist lie huh?
And of Salvation by grace? What would you have us do, galt? Preach to the choir in our cosy little chapel while denying those in need an earthy example of God's grace? Yeah. That'll really work out huh.
Did you know that HIV/AIDS can be *GASP* be passed on from male to female? Are you seriously of the beleif that EVERYONE infected with HIV/AIDS in Africa must be a child rapist? Preposterous. Then again, too many today lack the essential quality of appreciation to understand that!
Yes, Jesus would help those in need: He wouldn't, however, insist the government steal from you at gun-point, using that as an excuse.
The problem is not, as you imply, the safety net isn't big enough...It's that too many today are using it for a hammock.
There will always be those who are neither productive nor industrious, and are therefore, poor. This is not the fault of those who are productive and industrious, and therefore, are not poor. Propping up the dictatorships that keep them poor is not going to help them, either.
Like most pseudo-Christians (PC, for short) "popsicle stick", you fail to understand the difference between charity and altruism. I'm sick and tired of paying for that (apparently willful) ignorance.
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