Which Theologian Are You?
Which theologian are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
the definition of pelagianism is this:
A concept proposed by Pelagious (circa 356 to circa 418) who denied the existence of original sin inherited from Adam. He taught that a soul created by god cannot inheret sin from an ancestor. Thus humans are born morally neutral. They can fall into habits of sin but can overcome sin through mental effort. He promoted adult baptism in place of infant baptism. His beliefs were declared heretical by the Christian movement.
I agree with that to a degree anyway, although i am subject to change. I think that we fall into sin because Adam first sinned and because of his first sin we fell into the habbit of sin. After Adam sinned he continued to sin and thus so did his children. Just as a baby cannot lie until it is taught to, nor does man sin until he learns how. He learns this by watching others and as others continue to sin around him he too starts to adopt sinning into his life. However I don't agree with taking God out of the equation!?
You can't take God out of anything! If you did then you would be left with nothing.
Author note:
sorry about layout of image, i can't get it any further away from the sidebar no matter how small and left aligned i make it. No idea what's going on with my html codes at the moment, they don't seem to do anything i say.
you could looka t that from a different approach. Jesus chose not to sin, we don't choose to as such. But if we don't make a constant effort to choose not to sin then we fall into it. I believe Jesus was capable of sinning. He was tempted to wasn't he?
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