Word for today
Take a moment and ask yourself, "Is this how I live?" If not, make some changes!
Just for today, I'll enjoy each moment to the fullest and try not to tackle my whole life's problems at once. Just for today, I'll try to improve my mind by learning more than I know; I'll read God's Word faithfully for it's my source of wisdom and strength. I'll be particularly sensitive to those Scriptures that require personal obedience, corrective action, and greater commitment. Just for today, I'll be agreeable, try to look my best and make sure my words are "seasoned with grace." Just for today, I won't find fault or try to change or improve anyone - except myself. Just for today, I'll have a plan and a goal. I might not follow them exactly but I'll have them nonetheless. By doing that I'll save myself from two enemies - hurry and indecision! Just for today, I'll develop my character. I'll do someone a good turn and keep it secret; if anyone finds out it won't count. Just for today, I'll do something I don't naturally want to do, thereby train my spirit to rule my f! lesh and my will to rule my emotions. Just for today, I won't be afraid to love or to risk; I'll take steps of faith that stretch me beyond my present comfort level, try to enjoy all God's blessings, and believe that every seed I sow in His Kingdom will be multiplied back to me many times over. This is how I'll live - just for today!
(word for today - Bob Gass)
It's easy to think, But so hard to actually do. Maybe because we don't look for oportunities to do someone good in secret so we never find one, maybe because we don't want to think about the future that we never strive to achieve it, possibly because we fear risking, and stepping out in faith that we fail to recognise a chance to do so. It may just be the attitude towards these things that make them so hard to do. Sometimes I do start thinking critically of other people..and i know it's wrong, it's something i need to work on. For instance, i get really irritated (for some reason) when people spell words wrong. I don't mind when it's just a little mistake, but when the person continues to misspell the word, or misuse a word (in the wrong context) i get irritated. Something inside me screams "hey that word is spelt wrong, someone needs to correct it" and i become consciously focused on the misspelling of the word and fail to concentrate on other things. And because of this i usually tell people they have misspelt a word and thus people get annoyed at me for being a 'know-it-all' or a 'mr perfect'. I know i have to learn to stop pointing it out, and eventually that urge to fix the mistake will fall away.
One thing i see in Bob Gass' word for today is "i'll try to look my best"
I gave up trying to look my best a long time ago, i realised that spending time on looking good didn't really pay off, it wasted time, money, and effort, and the people that are worth being friends with in life don't care what you look like outwardly. All you get is a little satisfaction knowing that the people around you might give you a second glance. Is it really worth it? But "i'll try to look my best" has a much deeper meaning. Deeper being a meaning of much more significance, and that meaning being deeper than the skin. It is of the soul. The purity of our thoughts. Our thoughts are a part of who we are, and they influence our actions. And from my favourite quote in "Batman Begins": "It's not who you are, but what you do that defines you". We still have that choice to do what we think. And so Looking my best, is living my thoughts. There are two words to remind me to do this. And to remind others (thought not critically).
"Be Vivacious"
The word Vivacious came to me as i was reading Phil Baker's blog and i changed my msn messenger name to a quote i took from one of the commenters. My msn name accurately puts the word into a vision which shows people how to live vivaciously. It says this: "Vivacious...Like when a girl has a twinkle in her eye, a joke on her lips, and sunshine in her heart"
I like it anyway :)
So here is my message to you. Be vivacious!
I may speak japanese (not very well) and the Japanese may get their V's and B's a little mixed but it's no reason for anyone reading this post to.
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