Religion through the eyes of a secular world
Today in Classics the topic of study changed to Roman Religion. The teacher at one point touched on monotheistic (belief in one God) religions and how they became more influencial in more modern times. One of these 'monotheistic religions' was Christianity. My teacher warned the class that he was not very informed on the ideals of Christianity but did talk about what he seemed to think it was about.
To him Christianity was summed up as this:
The thought of death confused people and they sought answers as to what happened after death. Some people began to believe in one God who created and ruled the earth/universe and believed that based on following (or not) a moral code (the Bible) your after-life would be determined. Those who followed the Ten Commandments would go to heaven, those who did not..would not. Although there were also those who believed there was only good after death and thus regardless of how you acted on earth you would go to heaven. It gave cause to worship this creator for creating, this omnipotent and omnipresent God for influencing the atmosphere/seasons/fertility/etc to reward those who were most pious. People sharing their beliefs was a way of bringing people together to have a common cause. That was what Christianity was.
To me Christianity is more:
Christianity is not just about what happens after your life on earth is over, but more importantly about your life on this earth. You only get one life, one test from God. So following the law is important, but moreso is following Jesus' teachings. Living to get to an happy ending is right, but living to fulfill a destiny that will make you more than content is essential. Believing in one God is true, but so is the understanding of the trinity. Three in one, one in three! Living a morally acceptable life is great, but shining God's radiance that others are influenced by your deeds is imperative. It is God-pleasing to worship Him, but funadmental to do it full heartedly and to live that which you promise to Him in your act of worship. To be pious but not over-pious. It's nice to have people share your beliefs, but there is more to it than that, It brings about a fellowship and close loving relationships (not in the sense of how the world sees "close loving relationship" today) between those involved. It builds a net of love that catches all those who trip over and fall and offers hands to help them back to their feet.
Maybe one day his views will change.
To add into this post (because i can't be bothered creating a new one):
After work i went to the Growth Coaching Celebration. I have applied to be growth coached.
Also; Hearing Pete talk both on Sunday and today and I am very much in awe of Pete and Sylvia. I really look up to the two of them, and the way they live. Like silent mentors.
To him Christianity was summed up as this:
The thought of death confused people and they sought answers as to what happened after death. Some people began to believe in one God who created and ruled the earth/universe and believed that based on following (or not) a moral code (the Bible) your after-life would be determined. Those who followed the Ten Commandments would go to heaven, those who did not..would not. Although there were also those who believed there was only good after death and thus regardless of how you acted on earth you would go to heaven. It gave cause to worship this creator for creating, this omnipotent and omnipresent God for influencing the atmosphere/seasons/fertility/etc to reward those who were most pious. People sharing their beliefs was a way of bringing people together to have a common cause. That was what Christianity was.
To me Christianity is more:
Christianity is not just about what happens after your life on earth is over, but more importantly about your life on this earth. You only get one life, one test from God. So following the law is important, but moreso is following Jesus' teachings. Living to get to an happy ending is right, but living to fulfill a destiny that will make you more than content is essential. Believing in one God is true, but so is the understanding of the trinity. Three in one, one in three! Living a morally acceptable life is great, but shining God's radiance that others are influenced by your deeds is imperative. It is God-pleasing to worship Him, but funadmental to do it full heartedly and to live that which you promise to Him in your act of worship. To be pious but not over-pious. It's nice to have people share your beliefs, but there is more to it than that, It brings about a fellowship and close loving relationships (not in the sense of how the world sees "close loving relationship" today) between those involved. It builds a net of love that catches all those who trip over and fall and offers hands to help them back to their feet.
Maybe one day his views will change.
To add into this post (because i can't be bothered creating a new one):
After work i went to the Growth Coaching Celebration. I have applied to be growth coached.
Also; Hearing Pete talk both on Sunday and today and I am very much in awe of Pete and Sylvia. I really look up to the two of them, and the way they live. Like silent mentors.
Great summary of Christian values Rayd. Did you by any chance give this to your teacher to read? He might find it very informative.
no i didn't. To be honest i doubt he is interested in it at all. When he mentioned the subject of christianity he sounded very much so like he was treading dangerous ground that he didn't really want to be walking on. I know of people who, in a way, force people to listen to them as they make a speal on becoming a christian and it doesn't work. However; i will relate christianity to my essays when appropriate. After all, Classical studies is all about opinions, philosophies, and freedom of thought/voice.
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