Destiny and how it sways my approach on Criminal Sentences
A few posts ago i was talking about how destiny was an essential thing in life. I was thinking about it today when i was talking to someone about Prison sentences. I heard things like "Pimps should be locked up with the key thrown away so that they can rot in prison. They ruin so many people's lives they don't deserve a second chance" But what i realised was if you lock someone up forever then there is no point in them living, they have no purpose. They don't have anything to aim for. Maybe they aren't the kind of person who will take a second chance and use it for the good of themselves aswell as others but they should not be deprived of their destiny. A much more suitable punishment for the vilest of offenders would be a long sentence of solitary confinement say seven years, and then once completing that a reintroduction to a normal prison ward with other prisoners. And from there a little more benefits, and gradually completion of one thing leads to another and that to another etc giving them a reason to change their life, a reason to live. I'm not saying that prisoners should all be let free after time and i'm not saying they should all be kept locked up. People change, and some prisoners will change for the better. Likewise some change for the worse, become more bitter. But you can not deprive either group of that destiny which they have the choice to fulfill. That is my view on Criminal Justice. It is not a rock solid view however, just a thought.
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