The Meaning of Christmas for a Modern Teenager
What Christmas Has Become For A Modern Teenager..
Time and a half to prepare for the night ahead,
Complaining bitterly of siblings being favoured by parents's giving,
Christmas Dinner with the relatives,
Spending too much money on your someone,
Complaining bitterly about having no money,
Complaining bitterly about not getting out what was put in,
Contacting older friends with special requests,
Organising car pools,
Picking up special deliveries from that older friend,
making way to rendezvous,
Light talk,
--Forgetting what happens here--,
Waking up with Headache.
How It Should Be..
Day of Rest,
Gratefully accepting presents without comparing,
Thanking God for Sending His only begotten Son to the world as one of us, as the scraps of the litter, to die a painful death for everyone of us,
Christmas Dinner and discourse with relatives,
Showing loved ones they are loved,
Giving without expectation of receiving,
Spending time with God in prayer, praise, and worship,
Spending time in the company of loved ones,
Going to sleep content with day, peacefully, happily,
Waking up excited about the new day, a day of Joy, a day of change, a day of what is to come.
Time and a half to prepare for the night ahead,
Complaining bitterly of siblings being favoured by parents's giving,
Christmas Dinner with the relatives,
Spending too much money on your someone,
Complaining bitterly about having no money,
Complaining bitterly about not getting out what was put in,
Contacting older friends with special requests,
Organising car pools,
Picking up special deliveries from that older friend,
making way to rendezvous,
Light talk,
--Forgetting what happens here--,
Waking up with Headache.
How It Should Be..
Day of Rest,
Gratefully accepting presents without comparing,
Thanking God for Sending His only begotten Son to the world as one of us, as the scraps of the litter, to die a painful death for everyone of us,
Christmas Dinner and discourse with relatives,
Showing loved ones they are loved,
Giving without expectation of receiving,
Spending time with God in prayer, praise, and worship,
Spending time in the company of loved ones,
Going to sleep content with day, peacefully, happily,
Waking up excited about the new day, a day of Joy, a day of change, a day of what is to come.
Thankfully, I'm more of a modern adult these days so that first part doesn't apply to me. :p
I agree with the second part of this whole-hertedly. 'tis a shame that it has come to crass consumerism and fat corporate profits clouding the true meaning for so many, will it ever get better? Who knows...
I know in my heart that I, and most of my family, care more about the reason for the season, so that's a bonus I've been blessed with.
I too have been blessed, and Thus second your Amen, but with a small thought of those who are not so blessed, and even those who are but choose to follow the flow.
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