A change in the ordinary
Don't get me wrong i love the ordinary, and the different. I love doing the things i do. Going to school, hanging out with friends, going to youthgroup, going to work, going to church, playing on the computer, chatting to people on Msn Messenger; but i like a change once in a while too. Just because it forces people to do other things, talk to people they don't usually talk to, get put in situations they don't usually face, hear other people's opinions, etc. Today was a day that involved both the same and the change. And i really liked it. I got up in the morning (well this one is debatable as to whether i always do that in the weekends), then went to church. That was the usual. At church the service was different, it finished witha barbeque, but it didnt finish there, although i had to come home because i had to get ready for work, but others stayed behind to listen to a man Ian Brown talk about the changes the church has faced over the last 40 or so years. (correct me if im wrong someone, i was only half awake at church as i missed my pre service coffee) While i was at church i sat next to Logan and Megan who i don't usually sit next to. By the time i was home i was hungry again so i ate my sister's left over pizza. Then very out of the ordinary i pumped up my car tyre and washed the car. At work i had plenty of time to sit back and relax which wasnt very ordinary ( usually i rush around hetically and never have time to stop moving my feet). I finished early and went to church only to find another barbeque on. I helped myself to some fish and some chicken. It was good. (i didnt want any of the cow's buttocks [ in-joke ;) ]) The service was very different, a serman where we all got up the front and watched attentively as Steve showed us the journey from the desert(hope i spelt that one right) into the promised land and the transition out of the ordinary and into the unknown, the change of habbits to a new way, as they crossed the river Jordan. After the service the congregation once more went around the church and looked at all the aspects of the church and how it was developing. Then came Supper at Coffee Culture! This was something that is usual for Opawa and i was very happy to go. To just sit there with the people i love, the people that are my family, to go back to what is my usual, the life i love so much. It was just so good that all the changes took place and then i went back to the old, because although i enjoyed the changes it made me realise how thankful for all the small 'usual' things in my life. Even sitting at coffee culture is a kind of thing i wouldnt want to lose in life because if it's with the people i love then it makes me so glad that God has put me where i am in my life. One of the topics that was talked about whilst sitting at coffee culture was how if people could just fly to Australia or Fiji or wherever would they be on the plane tomorrow? and the truth is, I wouldnt, i love Christchurch, i love the people in it that make me who i am. It's the people i love that influence who i am and shape me to become the person God wants me to be and i wouldnt give that up for the world, because that is the best world taht someone can possible have. A life to the full. The truth is i didnt really want to leave tonight, and when Steve Jaegar said he was going unless i wanted him to stay behind to talk i was very tempted to say yes. There is a bit going on in my head right now and it would have been good to get some of it out for someone else to hear. But anyway i just want to tahnk all the people in my life, for being in my life! Thankyou!!
Had to think about that one REALLY hard, becasue I didn't know If I'd be on the plane to Aussie or not. Aussie is such a beautiful counry....
I guess the things that really anchor me here are friends and family, so yeah, thankyou Rayd for being one of those people who has kept me in Christchurch.
Its an interesting thought, wether we'd go if we could, but i don't think i would either, there's too much to do in N.Z and even in Chch and then at Opawa.
I too enjoy your company and would be glad to hear whats on your mind one day.
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